COVID-19 safety precautions
As we prepare (and look forward to) a time of working in the safest way, we must be prepared for new realities.
As a makeup artist, great thought and planning has gone into educating myself on how to best work with clients in the safest and most hygienic way. My role as a frontline worker is to learn and stay informed on safe measures to apply beauty products, period. While in the chair, you might notice our conversations will be kept to a minimum to avoid droplets from contamination any products or surfaces, my regrets but its for protection.
It it safe to assume that the way we approach work will be forever changed but I am rolling with the flow.
my commitment to you
I ask that we keep our communication mutually honest. If you or I know that we have been recently exposed to any one with COVID-19, we must speak up and reschedule our appointment. If you are experiencing any flu/cold symptoms prior to our appointment, I ask you reschedule at no extra charge to your cancellation.
I will work in PPE gear (face mask, face shield, and/or gloves/gown) in conjunction with sharing a temperature reading conducted the morning of my arrival to set (by request)
I will abide by proper hand-washing practices throughout
I will clean, sanitize and disinfect equipment, tools, and space between clients/talent
I will abide by wearing smocks, gowns, capes as protective PPE clothing while working (by request)
I will be using single-use disposable tools such as sponges, cotton swabs, mascara and lip wands
I will abide by the 6ft social distancing rules outside of the makeup application
I will ask that no one should come within 6 feet of workstation without permission from artist
I will abide by minimal touch-ups during shooting to eliminate exposure and direct contact
If I feel like the health and safety of myself and others is compromised, I reserve the right to refuse any services being provided.
Makeup compacts, makeup palettes, product bottles and tubes will be disinfected properly before and after each application or use on a single talent
client requirements
I ask that we are the only two people in the room when services are being delivered. This will help me keep my makeup kit clean and not exposed to others.
Reduce unnecessary touching of face, surfaces and objects
Minimize the spread of aerosols while in close face-to-face contact by limiting talking (no cell phones, headsets, shouting, singing, etc.)
Cover coughs and sneezing with tissue or by directing into the elbow
workstation requirements
Good ventilation, HEPA air filtration devices are encouraged
Pet-free zones will be required for all bookings that Tamra-Marie Makeup Artistry is hired upon
Workstation surfaces should be disinfected before and after each talent is seated at workstation
No food, drink or talent’s personal belongings should be brought to or set on the workstation
Talent should face away from artist during initial setup if possible
Smoke and fragrance-free environment is also requested