Expiration dates for your Beauty bag!

So here we are, your products just sit in a drawer because every time you go to use them you feel overwhelmed or your short on time so you just nix’ it.  Okay I get it, but hanging on to old makeup can be bad for your skin, downright useless and a big waste of your money.  "Who want’s to waste their coins, not this Auntie!"

One exception I’m ok with is when a Client hoards their favorites for fear they end up on a discontinued list - shout out to Iman cosmetics.  A few seasons back they laid to rest my favorite liner (SPICE) - ugh, RIP!!  Throws to tomatoes at screen when hearing that your favorite product went to the graveyard.

Okay but I digressed, so back to this good good content.  

When it comes to makeup, the reality is that all products have a shelf-life and go bad!  Bacteria and odors set in, and baaaa'by if you don’t believe me - do yourself a favor and do the sniff test you’ll quickly come to your olfactory senses.  

A few weeks ago, I talked about blush on the blog - today let’s unpack the whole kit and caboodle - let’s break down the expiration of each makeup product and call out the obvious and not-so-obvious. 

Mascara - (3 MONTHS ) thee number one item that will dry up on you in thee worst way.  The good news, you can tell right-away!  The wand doesn’t glide as smooth as it once did, the application crumbles or clumps when you try to use it, it’s not as dark or wet and performance is questionable.  Time to toss. Worst case scenario it can cause a sty or pink eye and that’s never cute.   

Don’ts: never pump the wand, that only pumps air into the tube causing it to dry faster.  

Do’s: slowly draw out while twisting the brush along its sides to pick up product.  

Pro tip: price doesn’t matter, drugstore brands can be big wins, especially if you got that drugstore coupon deal!! Especially the L’oreal Voluminous.  Click here to find out why she’s my VIP.

Liquid eyeliners - (3 MONTHS) max, don’t argue with me these are your eyes for goodness sakes.

Face Makeup - (6 -12 MONTHS) this is another product that will tell it’s sins, quickly.  It will either separate or smell rancid. Foundation isn’t used as often as a mascara but it’s known to build up bacteria too.  Think about how much we touch a cosmetic with dirty sponges, dirty fingers, dirty brushes - she’s a breeding bacterial ground.  Replace at 6months, if you aren’t diligent about cleaning your sponges or brushes: I’m not gon drag you but “you already know if you’re that girl”.

Powder Shades - (1-2 YEARS) powder shadows are the goat of cosmetics because they are less prone to contamination because they lack water/moisture, a win win combination.  The sure way to tell these are dying is if you don’t get the same color pay off as they once gave.  If it’s still giving pretty than it’s givvvving and the assignment is still being met!

Blush - (1-2 YEAR rule) same guidelines for powder compacts unless you hit pan early!  I mean, they can look so tack with that big hole #ijs.

Lipstick - (1-2 YEARS) remember do the sniff test, because most lipsticks will smell like crayons once they go bad on you.  They also stop gliding on in creamy way.  When in doubt, toss em’.  Lip gloss is different. Gloss textures have more moisture/more water content so (times up after 3 months) of opening, perioddd.  Now Sis, those lip liner pencils that require sharpening are likely in constant use and hopefully "you’re sanitizing your sharpener” that’s gonna buy you some time and extend the life of that lil’ ole trusted pencil. 

The not-so-obvious:  Did you know most beauty products have a symbol in the back of its packaging of its shelf life after opening. Illustration chart show down below.

“As a golden rule - Keeping products in dark cool places keeps longevity. Products kept in your car, bag, direct heat, humidity go bad quicker and should be tossed out on the regular.” 

Tamra offers beauty bag edits and will happily work with those interested in organizing, editing and refreshing their at-home bag or drawer.  


Teen Glow Tutorial coming in May!


Ready To Flex With Your Blush This Spring?